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Pak.studies (special post)

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All Pak.Studies Important questions and blanks
Volunteer post by Shoaib Humayun

Following are the questions important for the detailed question answers,
1.       War of independence,  its consequences and causes.
2.       Educational and political services of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan.
3.       Two nation Theory
4.       Role of Muslim League in the establishment of Pakistan.
5.       14 Points of Quaid e Azam.
6.       Constitution of 1973 and steps towards islamization.
7.       Major objectives OR principles of Foreign Policy.
8.       Relation of Pakistan with India and USA.
9.       Initial Problems faced by Pakistan after its creation.

Following are the topics important for the short notes:
1.       Terrorism of Pakistan.
2.       Drawn attacks in Pakistan.

Following are the topics important for the blanks:
1.       Tehzeeb ul Ikhlaq
2.       Allahabad address
3.       ----------------- is situated in the north of Pakistan.
4.       Shrine of Bahauddin Zakariya multani
5.       Capital of Australia
6.       2nd Highest peak of  world
7.       Speaker of the national Assembly
8.       NRO stands for
9.       1st Mughal emperor.
10.   Partition of Bengal
11.   Federal information minister of Pakistan.
12.   First Chief martial law administrator.
13.   Chief justice of Supreme Court.
14.   --------------- moved the objective resolution.
15.   NATO stands for-----------------------
16.   Muslim League was founded in ---------------------
17.   OGRA stands for-----------------
18.   Poor man budget was presented by -----------------------
19.   Prime minister of -------------------- recently visited Pakistan.
20.   Partition of Bengal was cancelled in-------------------
21.   Ambassador o f Muslim India.
22.   -------------- party did not attend the third round table conference.
23.   Chairman of Boundary Commission
24.   East Pakistan Became Bangladesh in --------------------
25.   Wazir mansion is ---------------
26.   Life if MUHAMMAD(P.B.U.H) is written by---------------.
27.   Sindh Madarsa tul Islam was founded  in -------------- by ------------------------
28.   2nd Governor General of Pakistan.
29.   President of Afghanistan.
30.   Pet, Katrina and sandy are the names of -----------------
31.   Malala Yousuf Zai belongs to --------------------
32.   Opposition Party against Obama is -----------------------

ANWERS OF MCQS ( Solved by Shoaib Humayun)

1      Sir Syed Ahmad Khan.
2      1930
3      China
4      Multan
5      Canbra
6      K2
7      Fahmida Mirza
8      National  Reconcilation Organization
9      Babar
10   July 1905
11   Qamar Zaman Kaira
12   Ayub Khan
13   Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudry
14   Liaquat Ali Khan
15   North Atlantic Treaty Organization
16   1906
17   Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority
18   Liaquat Ali Khan
19   (Write the name of Prime Minister recently visited Pakistan)
20   1911
21   Quaid e  Azam
22   Quaid e Azam
23   Sir Redcliff
24   1971
25   Quaid e Azam’s place of birth
26   William Muir
27   Hassan Ali Effendi
28   Khwaja Nazimuddin
29   Hamid Karzai
30   Superstorms and Hurricanes
31   A town of Mingora in Sawat
      32   Metromni

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